Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The Blog & Future Plans

     I have been planning on doing blog articles for quite some time and trying to make an  attempt to do written/online content as opposed to my usual YouTube content due to a loss of time and dedication to make content. I have decided to give blogging on here a shot to lay out my thoughts and present interactions with certain arguments, cases, and writings. I am not a fully detailed writer with tons of formulations of certain words, so I apologize if my use of the English language is not as fluent as my counterparts on here.

    Hopefully, I am able to at least present some coherent forms of thought and enjoy myself as that is my only main concern as well as trying to type up these things without my current arm pain getting in the way. My hope is to use this blog to glorify God and to give him praise through my posts as an apologist and writer for the Christian Faith. Until then, stay tuned as the blog is a work in progress.

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